
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Roots of Religion According to Me

Life for some of us is like an assembly line where we build a complex network of thoughts based on education and experience. I have heard it said that knowledge combined with experience yields wisdom. Well, I am not real sure about that but it sounds pretty good. For what it's worth, the following is one component of the unfinished product rolling down my personal assembly line:

Roots of Religion

Religion originated in a world dominated by brutality, ignorance, and superstition. It was born of the natural human instinct to lead; the inner desire to elevate one's self above peers. It was perpetuated through the practice of exploitation and deceit by those of superior intellect and perpetrated against the less sophisticated.

These humble beginnings proved successful in a fertile climate of physical brutality and domination by the physically powerful while other, more cunning people of higher intellect and sophistication seized upon opportunity amid tragedy, disaster, and disease to convince sick, downtrodden, and grieving people that they, these perpetrators themselves, were 'chosen', and/or had the unique ability to discern messages from or to communicate with the creator, master, god, or almighty one.

As societies and nations developed, leaders found that the fears, superstitions, and uncertainties of the people along with the powerful sway of the church or supposed spiritual leaders were excellent mechanisms by which to both intimidate and placate the populous. By using religion in this way, those in power could better manipulate and exploit the masses behind a facade of righteousness while they themselves were exempt from or broke the very laws and rules by which the governed were bound and expected to live or else suffer the loss of their souls to “eternal damnation”; that sinister lie created by the perpetrators.

Earthly humanity, as we know it, is an integral part of everything else in our universe, obviously more highly developed intellectually, yet no more important. The most detrimental features of human endeavor are the mental barriers and misguided decision-making that exist because of the fraudulent influence of religion; The Greatest Lie, The Ultimate Deceit. It is the faulty assumption of our human mindset that we, our species, or each family, nation, sect, or other entity with which we identify, is somehow more important or holds a more special place of favor with "God" than any of the other people, places, or things that exist. This concept has facilitated theft of property and genocide throughout history and continues to do so as each group commits horrendous acts of crime and deprivation against others, all the while believing they are blessed in doing so by "their God".

The most difficult challenge for the future is to find the way to free ourselves from the illegitimate bindings of religion and move forward with great curiosity and the confidence that comes from knowing, as stated in Desiderata, that we "are a part of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, we have a right to be here and whether or not it is clear to us, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." Accept the mystery of our existence for now and know that we as a species are progressing in the development of wisdom and understanding.

Rejecting the lies of religion and seeking truth together can speed our development and enhance the experience of living.

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